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Libby FAQ

What are my credentials to log in to Libby?

Username: your library card number "123456"

Pin: your last name, lowercase "doe"

How long can I keep Libby titles?

There is default two-week checkout period. If no one is waiting on your title, you will be given the option to renew.

The title I want has a 6-month waiting period!!!

Contact us! We have the ability to "skip the line" on certain titles by purchasing a check-out for our patrons. It's called Cost-Per-Circulation and we do this monthly for those titles with FOREVER holds. Not all titles are available, but we don't mind checking to see if your request is can be processed this way.

I have another question...

Give us a call at 870-853-2078 or send an email to We are happy to help!

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