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Library Card and Circulation Policies

     The Ashley County Library is supported by aid received from the State of Arkansas and by the taxpayers of Ashley County.  Therefore, we are able to offer services at no cost to residents of Hamburg and residents of Ashley County.


Library Cards



     To receive a library card, patrons 18 years and older must complete an adult application in person. On this form, we ask the applicant to provide current contact information including physical mailing address, active telephone number, and an email address that is checked regularly. The applicant is required to sign a form accepting responsibility for the use of the card  Included with the application for library card is acceptance of the library technology use policy so that patrons with an active card may use the public access computers upon presentation of the card  Library cards are non-transferrable, so each member of the family over 18 must present his/her own library card. A handout will be given to the patron listing patron responsibilities. Adults will be given the option of receiving a library card with a key-tag attachment.  



     Patrons aged 0-17 may complete the application card which requires the signature and contact information for the parent or guardian accepting responsibility for the child’s use of the card. By signing the card, the parent or guardian consents to monitoring the media materials selected by the minor child. The parent or guardian must be in good standing with the library before a card will be issued in the name of the minor and be present when the card is issued.  Included with the minor application is acceptance of the library technology use policy and as with adults, cards must be presented to check out materials or use the public access computers. Students will not be given key-tag attachment cards.


Replacement Cards

     The first library card will be issued free of charge to the patron.  Cards must be presented at every library transaction.  Lost cards must be replaced before a transaction can occur.  

Replacement charges are as follows:

Standard Card  $1.00

Key-Tag Cards $2.00


Expiration of Cards

     Library cards will expire a year from when they are issued to the patron.  Patrons may renew the card annually at no charge with proof of residency.  It is the patron’s responsibility to keep contact information valid and current.  If the library discovers contact information has changed without notification, we reserve the right to discontinue services until information is validated with proof of residency, which may include, but not exclusive to:

  • Utility bills, at least 3 months old

  • Mailed bank statements at least 3 months old  

  • Rent receipts of at least 3 months old




     In keeping with Arkansas Statute 13-2-703, the Ashley County Library will not disclose circulation records showing use of the specific library material by a named person or the name of a library patron together with the address, telephone number, or email address of that patron.  Information we gather and retain about library users includes:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Telephone numbers(s)

  • Email address

  • Birth Date

  • Records of materials checked out, charges owed, payments made

  • Requests for interlibrary loans

  • Sign-up information for library programs


     By registering for a library card, a patron gives consent for us to gather and maintain this information. We will not sell, license, or disclose it to any third party, except an agent working under contract to the ACL, without consent unless we are required by law to do so.  The ACL protects the privacy of all library patrons and may access your personal information only for the purpose of performing their assigned duties.  The ACL will conform to the procedures outlined in the U.S. Patriot Act of 2001 and the U.S. Patriot Act Search Warrant Procedures, included in the appendix.



Loan Periods and Renewals

  • The loan period for circulating materials is three weeks, with the exception being DVDs which circulate for 7 days. 

  • DVDs and audiobooks may only be renewed if presented in the library at the end of the circulation period.


     Patrons may renew printed materials one time by contacting the library in person, by phone, or online, on or before the due date.  An item will not be renewed if another person is waiting for it, if it has already been renewed once, or if it is more than seven days overdue.  Patrons can access their accounts online by going to the Ashley County Library webpage and following the directions provided in the Follett Destiny section.  In order to renew an item a second time, the item must be presented at the circulation desk for renewal.  



Overdue Materials

     A patron who has overdue materials may not continue to check out materials in any format.  Periodically, library staff may prepare a list of borrowers who have overdue materials and notify them by telephone, email, text, or U.S. Mail informing them library records indicate they have materials past due.  Upon 60 days, the materials will be determined lost and replacement payment will be expected in full.  If part of an item is missing when an item is returned (DVD, audiobook, book pages) the item will not be checked in and the patron will be notified.  If the item is not returned, the patron will be charged the full replacement cost of the item.


     An after-hours book drop is available to the side of the front door of the library.  Patrons returning overdue books damaged materials in the book drop may be assessed fines or replacement fees.


     Patrons are responsible for fees to replace lost or damaged materials.  Charges for lost or damaged materials will be determined based on replacement and processing costs.  The director may, at his/her discretion, make alternative arrangements with patrons for payments of these charges.


     Accounts that remain in arrears may be reported to a library collection agency and subsequently credit reported if the debt is not resolved within time limits determined by the library director.



Suspension of Privileges to Check Out Materials AND Computer Use

     Patrons will not be able to check out materials or use the library computers who have:

  • Library items declared lost which have not been paid for or returned.

  • Unpaid fines.

  • Failure to adhere to the library’s rules for behavior

  • Unacceptable use of the computers

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